Well. I'm back.

Written by 
Matthew McDermott
June 18, 2024

I'm back, folks.

It's been a while, I know. With some personal challenges and health challenges, I've been away for a good long while. But I'm back.

I will not be posting regularly here, at least to start, as I have become only too aware of my limits. However, I am still very much a naturist, as well as a proponent and advocate for naturism.

And yes, I've been writing - not as much, but that's changing. I recently submitted a short story for the upcoming anthology, Beneath Healing Skies, which is coming out soon. I want to discuss my motivations for that story but I'll wait until the anthology is released before I post about it in more detail.

I know my departure was sudden and prolonged, and I appreciate those who reached out with concern when I was not able to answer. I continue to enjoy being part of the wonderful naturist community and I look forward to being a more active and engaged member starting now.

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